I've been spending the second half of summer creating my first ever online course. You may have heard me mention it before. This is the final week of getting it ready for launch. At least, that's my plan! I'm aiming for the first week of September to send it out into the world. But I'm also flexible, and we'll see what happens.

I have a feeling this goes against "standard business practices." You know, have it all mapped out and a sparkling, jam-packed marketing/launch plan to go with it. But that's not really my style. I'm a bit of a rebel, which may not always be in my best interest as far as "worldly" success goes. Yet as far as inner peace, and joy, and ease, and glee, and creativity go? I've got those down to be sure. It feels very much in alignment with how I'd like to live out the rest of my life. Enough of the striving, and stressing, and pushing, and competing, and burnout, and all that productivity crap. I want a new business model!

So I'm over here seeing to the details this week. Having fun as I go. I'm updating my website to include the new course and spiffying it up a bit too, a little make-over for this next phase. I'm also incorporating the feedback from a couple very generous folks that had offered to beta test the course to provide corrections and insights to me. It seems I'm pretty good at grammar and there aren't too many typos either. There were some technical snafus that had to be seen to, but nothing too serious so far. I also happen to be getting some really lovely feedback about the content! Makes me super happy! I feel like I'm really on the right track. Huzzah!
I mentioned in my newsletter (which if you don't receive you can go here to sign up ~ it only goes out once a month, the September issue will be out next week) that I have two more courses waiting in the wings that I'll be working on next, with hopes of getting them both launched before the winter holidays. But ~ as per my style ~ we'll see how it goes, one step at a time!
One big hurdle for me ~ which I've mentioned previously ~ was creating video content for the course. For some reason I just dragged my heels about getting in front of that camera. Turns out once I did it? Easy peasy! The hardest part was just getting motivated to shower and look a little more professional than I normally do ~ since I work from home and most days can't be bothered. Lol. Although it did take many, many attempts to get just the right vibe and the right words, and it took many, many takes for each video! So many that I acquired quite a nice stockpile of bloopers. So I decided to make a blooper reel too! That was a lot of fun. Nothing like spending the day laughing at yourself trying to be serious. Ha. You can find that video here. I even created my very own YouTube channel! There are only a few videos so far, but if you want, head on over there and ~ you know the drill ~ subscribe and like it please! Hee hee.
Well, I think that's it for now. I hope your summer is winding down nicely. Only 65 days until Halloween! What are you going to dress up as? I'm already thinking about it and getting some ideas together!! Squeeee....! #mostfavoritetimeoftheyear

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